
May 28-29 Panel Sessions

From Modelado Foundation

Link: May 28-29, 2014 PI Meeting

Runtime Systems

Moderator: Vivek Sarkar

Panelists: Ron Brightwell, David Grove, Sanjay Kale, Wilf Pinfold, Kathy Yelick

We have presented the results of the Runtime Summit, which include challenges, solutions, a set of important questions to be answered, and a vision for a runtime architecture, with major components, interfaces, and how to measure success.

This session will focus on getting feedback from selected panelists and the audience on our results. Panelists will first provide us with constructive criticism and suggestions, followed by the interaction with the audience.

Questions and Discussion

Runtime Systems Vision Panel Summary

Compilers and Auto-tuning

Moderator: Mary Hall

Panelists: Saman Amarasinghe, Una-May O'Reilly, Dan Quinlan

Panel description.

Questions and Discussion

Compiler Panel Summary


Languages and DSLs

Moderator: Dan/Saman

Panelists: Mary Hall, David Padua, Anshu Dubey, Katherine Yelick, Saday Sadayappan, Shoaib Kamil

Panel description.

Questions and Discussion

GPLs and and DSLs Panel Summary)

Mapping and Optimization Framework

Moderator: Armando Solar-Lezama

Panelist: Mary Hall (University of Utah), David Padua (UIUC), Muthu Baskaran (Reservoir Labs), Shoaib Kamil (MIT)

Panel description: The panel will consist of short (8 min) presentations by each panelist on their views on new approaches to map high-level representations of a computation down to an efficient implementation specialized for a particular platform.

Questions and Discussion

Mapping Framework Panel Summary)


Moderators: Andrew A. Chien and Mattan Erez

Panelists: Kath Knobe, Dan Quinlan, Vivek Sarkar, Martin Schulz, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Michael Carbin, and the moderators.

A focused discussion on how resilience should reflected in the X-stack runtime abstract architecture and the critical research technologies.

Questions and Discussion

Resilience Panel Summary

Resilience and CnC - Kath Knobe

Simulation technology

Moderator: Wilfred Pinfold

Panelists: John Shalf, Jeff Vetter, Arun Rodrigues, Romain Cledat

Panel description: Simulators are tools for getting a job done. There are many jobs we can use simulators for in designing an Exascale system. First there are simulators for use in various stages of design; conceptual, functionality, final (cycle accurate). Then there are simulators for CPU, memory, network, storage, IO. Finally there are simulators to explore different machine characteristics such as power, resilience or performance. These simulators can be designed to work separately, as cooperating parts or as an integrated system simulation. In this panel we will explore the simulators in use today, the benefits and challenges of integration and the direction we should take to optimize system design and minimize effort expended on tool development.

Questions and Discussion

Simulation Technology Panel Summary

X-Stack OS/R requirements

Moderator: Ron Brightwell(SNL), Steve Hofmeyr (LBNL), Marc Snir (ANL) and Barney Maccabe (ORNL)

Panelists: Vivek Sarkar (Rice), Shekhar Borkar (Intel), John Feo (PNL), Pat McCormick (LANL), Martin Schulz (LLNL), Brian Van Straalen (LBL)

Panel description: The intent of this panel is to collect requirements from people developing architectures, tools, and runtime systems.

Questions and Discussion

OS/R Requirments Panel Summary)

Performance Tools and Their Interfaces for the X-Stack

Moderator: Martin Schulz (LLNL)

This panel will discuss the role of performance tools in the exascale software stacks: which tools will users expect and which questions should they address, what abstractions should they map their results to and what interfaces in the X-Stack will be available for tools to require the necessary information?

Panelists: Ron Brightwell (SNLs), Romain Cledat (Intel), Jeff Hollingsworth (UMD), John Mellor-Crummey (Rice), Brian Van Straalen (LBL)

Questions and Discussion

X-Stack Interfaces Panel Summary