

From Modelado Foundation

Revision as of 17:25, May 10, 2014 by imported>Saman

Sonia requested that Saman Amarasinghe and Dan Quinlan initiate this page. For comments, please contact them. This page is still in development.

X-Stack Project Name of the DSL URL Target domain Miniapps supported Front-end technology used Internal representation used Key Optimizations performed Code generation technology used Processors computing models targeted Current status Summary of the best results Interface for perf.&dbg. tools
D-TEC Halide Image processing algorithms Cloverleaf, miniGMG, boxlib Uses C++ Custom IR Stencil optimizations (fusion, blocking, parallelization, vectorization) Schedules can produce all levels of locality, parallelism and redundant computation. OpenTuner for automatic schedule generation. LLVM X86 multicores, Arm and GPU Working system. Used by Google and Adobe. Local laplacian filter: Adobe top engineer took 3 months and 1500 loc to get 10x over original. Halide in 1-day, 60 lines 20x faster. In addition 90x faster GPU code in the same day (Adobe did not even try GPUs). Also, all the pictures taken by google glass is processed using a Halide pipeline. Interfaces with the OpenTuner ( to automatically generate schedules. Working on visualizing/debugging tool.
DTEC Shared Memory DSL MPI HPC applications on many core nodes Internal LLNL App Uses C (maybe C++ and Fortran in future) ROSE IR Shared memory optimization for MPI processes on many core architectures permits sharing large data structures between processes to reduce memory requirements per core. ROSE + any vendor compiler Many core architectures with local shared memory Implementation released (4/28/2014) Being evaluated for use
D-TEC Heterogeneous OpenMP HPC applications running on NVIDIA GPUs boxlib, internal kernels Uses C and C++ ROSE IR (AST) loop collapse to expose more parallelism, Hardware-aware thread/block configuration, data reuse to reduce data transfer, round-robin loop scheduling to reduce memory footprint ROSE source-to-source + NVIDIA CUDA compiler NVIDIA GPUs Implementation released with ROSE (4/29/2014) Matches or outperforms caparable compilers targeting GPUs.
D-TEC NUMA DSL HPC applications on NUMA-support many core CPU internal LLNL App Uses C++ ROSE IR NUMA-aware data distribution to enhance data locality and avoid long memory latency. Multiple halo exchanging schemes for stencil codes using structured grid. ROSE + libnuma support Many core architecture with NUMA hierarchy implementation in progress. 1.7x performance improvement compared to OpenMP implementation for 2D 2nd order stencil computation.
D-TEC OpenACC Accelerated computing Not yet. C (possible C++ and Fortran). Pragma parser for ROSE. ROSE IR Uses on tiling to map parallel loops to OpenCL ROSE (with OpenCL kernel generation backend), OpenCL C Compiler (LLVM) Any accelerator with OpenCL support (CPUs, GPUs, XeonPhi, ...) - Basic kernel generation - Directives parsing - Runtime tested on Nividia GPUs, Intel CPUs, and Intel XeonPhi Reaches ~50 Gflops on Tesla M2070 on matrix multiply. (M2070: ~1Tflops peaks, ~200 to ~400 Gflops effective on linear algebra ; all floating point).
D-TEC Rely Reliability-aware computing and Approximate computing Internal kernels Subset of C with additional reliability annotations Custom IR A language and a static analysis framework for verifying reliability of programs given function-level reliability specifications. Chisel, a code transformation tool built on top of Rely, automatically selects operations that can execute unreliably with minimum resource consumption, while satisfying the reliability specification. Generates C source code. Binary code generator implementation is in progress - Implementation in progress Analysis of computational kernels from multimedia and scientific applications.