May 23, 2016 - OS/R PI Meeting
From Modelado Foundation
Meeting Information
When: May 23, 2016
Where: The Gleacher Center, 450 N Cityfront Plaza Dr., room 204, Chicago IL.
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Presentations
- 1. OS/R PI Meeting Welcome and Goals (William Harrod and Sonia Sachs)
- 2. Overview of Argo and OS/R Issues (Pete Beckman, ANL and Kamil Iskra, ANL)
- 3. Argobots and lightweight threading (Pavan Balaji, ANL and Sanjay Kale, UIUC)
- 4. ARGO Global OS/R and Power (Martin Schulz, PNNL and Swann Perarnau, ANL)
- 5. Overview of Hobbes (Ron Brightwell, Sandia)
- 6. Hybrid Parallel Runtimes (Peter Dinda, Northwestern University)
- 6. Mini-Chkpts: Surviving OS Failures in Persistent Memory (Frank Mueller, NCSU)
- 6. X-ARCC: Overview and Results (Steven Hofmyer, LBNL)
- 6. Custom Hardware Accelerators for Statistical Inference in Machine Learning (Rob Rutenbar, UIUC)
Technology Demonstrations
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating a complete integrated ARGO system (narration available)
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating Node OS Integration (narration available)
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating Node OS and Gromacs (narration available)
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating Node OS and HPCS (narration available)
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating BEACON backplane with TAU (narration available)
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating Argo Runtime with Argobots and Charm++ (narration available)
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating Argo Runtime with Argobots and ParSEC
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating Argo Runtime with Argobots and TASCEL
- ARGO Demo: Demonstrating ArgoCrew Global OS (narration available)
- HOBBES Demo video 1
- HOBBES Demo video 2
- X-ARCC Demo video 1