
Extreme Scale Software Stack

From Modelado Foundation

Revision as of 14:16, July 28, 2014 by imported>Sonia (→‎X-Stack Program)

What's New

  • 5.28.2014: May 28-29, 2014 PI Meeting
  • 5.26.2014: A 2015 IEEE Computing Special Issue on Release Engineering was Announced. Here's the Call for Participation
  • 5.20.2014: Some interesting TED talks on Why we collaborate.
  • 4.20.2014: Modelado Foundation transitions wiki content. All the xstackwiki content previously hosted at has been transitioned to this wiki. Please update your browser bookmarks appropriately.

X-Stack Program

Operating System and Runtime Software (OS/R) Program

Coordinating Projects or Centers


Software Stack Components

We agreed at our Mar'13 PI meeting to generate tables of technology/issues for the various software stack components, as we did for the Languages component below. Please coordinate with your co-PIs and with other projects working on the various software stack components to generate tables for the topics below. If the lead shown below is incorrect, please correct.